Feb 2011 was the day of the trial. We had a new lawyer: Frank Angel. Friends was the plaintiff and the DC was the respondent. The DC was led by the Margaret Sahagi law firm. On their team in the courtroom is Belinda Faustinos, Executive Director for both the DC and the Rivers and Mountains Conservancy (The RMC is a California State agency and the lead in the DC). Fuastinos had been recently elected to the board of Audubon California. The area for building is within the same area for at least one endangered species. Audubon considers the area an important birding area. But Faustinos proposed paving and building on habitat for the Least Bells Vireo, an endangered species, and Important Birding Area. Several birds were also classified as “threatened” and “of concern,” per a report by Mickey Long, leading County Biologist for Parks, in 1998 and 1995. During the court session, our lawyer presented information about the endangered bird. Judge Toribio said why stop this “good” project for “one little bird.” The judge decided for the DC. We did not appeal because of the cost and two of the three panels that we would be assigned were pro development.
US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS A participant in Friends group was also at the Sepulveda Basin, a flood basin like the Whittier Narrows Natural Area, learning about their wildlife protection committee. The Army Corp, owners of the land in at Sepulveda, had bulldozed the habitat w/o consulting the environmental committee. A Friends member discovered the Army Corps had to pay attention when they permit things to happen in their area. They were to comply with their own Recreational Guidelines. We began campaigning around guidelines and to stop funding.
GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS We met with Assemblyman Mike Eng, Congresswoman Judy Chu, Senator Barbara Boxer to inform them of the DC destruction. We attended City Hall meetings. Supervisor Gloria Molina would not meet with us. After our letter to her revealing we would have to go to the press because she would not meet with us, she finally provided a staffer, a person of unquestioning obedience, to meet with us.
SIERRA CLUB (SC) The Sierra Club played a duplicitous role. In April of 2007, we went to SC Conservation Committee Meeting because Sierra Club personage Jeff Yann wanted more and deep involvement by the SC. When Yann presented, he attempted to present from the point of view of a SC member, not a speaker on behalf of the DC. We, however, distributed materials informing SC that he was a paid Project Manager for the DC. We revealed a secret part of his work that he was intending to keep quiet. In addition, our high school and college students spoke in favor of saving their local piece of open space. Consequently, the Sierra Club dropped their support for the DCA funding appeals.
CALIFORNIA STATE PARKS GRANTS 2011. The DC had numerous contacts at the state level, but failed to get the millions of parks dollars. Cal Parks gave money to other applicants, not the DC. We think it’s because of our careful review of the DC application and presenting its problems to Cal Parks.
WHITTIER DAILY NEWS: THINKS SMALL AT WHITTIER NARROWS On May 12, 2012 the Whittier Daily News editorial board wrote “Think Small at Whittier Narrows.” The DC is a $21 million “bloated, overbuilt monument to government’s and water agencies’ overly developed sense of selfimportance.” The editors wrote that the Nature Center needs 1 million in TLC and that Friends has pointed out for years that “there is already a perfectly nice nature center at Whittier Narrows.”
ECO VOICES The DC paid $100s of thousands for a science program, Eco Voices, for local children at what they called the ”discovery center site,” meaning the Nature Center. The lead of the DC Eco Voices was not a scientist. The teachers of the program presented erroneous information. The program was a parallel organization to long standing Associates. The Associates was forced to cut their own programs to provide days when Eco Voices could conduct their activities. Eco Voices were provided places to store equipment in the small parking area of the nature center. They took children on field trips at the nature center, never telling them they were going to destroy it, the building and dozens of trees. The science info was incorrect. An example is they said male birds were always bigger than female because they are male. In fact, the female among many species is larger.
DISCOVERY CENTER FOUNDATION. Not winning the funds they needed, the DC Foundation, a non-profit foundation was set up. The Foundation had no physical address. They had a web page and a telephone number to raise money. The Foundation was established to get private corporate money. Failure.